Where’s my refund?

You guys sound like bots. I’m addressing their unwillingness to refund customers and to ship out the ordered devices, meanwhile you “proof” that those devices exist (which was never doubted?).


Can’t you just issue a chargeback? (hopefully you paid with a credit card)


if you don’t mind, could you please give what reasons make you purchase the librem 14 ?
Also why did you pay this much money for it ?

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I can’t, since I moved out of the US I paid with crypto. This shouldn’t be an issue though since the price of the type of crypto I paid with skyrocketed and is now valued more than the $3k I paid (hence why it should be easy to refund me unless they gambled or smoked the funds lol)…
I requested a refund at like every different department they have and they all ghost/ ignore me whenever I mention a refund. Comically they reply when it’s about a different topic.


The price was as high due to the configuration I requested. At checkout you can choose the specs and their “size” (1TB RAM for examples), which is how pricing is calculated at checkout.
Obviously I DO NOT RECOMMEND to buy a Librem 14. Don’t even ask me for advice or why to buy it just DON’T. This whole company appears to be the exact Ponzi scheme rip off that was reported on social media many times. It’s insane that something like this can happen within the US.


Didn’ t you notice the banner in the shop that international shipping is posponed (since Januari) and it is expected to startup again this month (March)?


I did which is why I contacted support BEFOREHAND to make sure I’m good to go. And the latest update in regard of shipping they gave me was “everything is ready bla bla there is just a small issue with DHL wait a few days”, this was like a month ago.


I am not thinking of buying from them, i was just curious why you chose to buy from them rather than other companies.

Their ssds prices are insanely high, they charge 600$ for a 1tb ssd where you can buy one right now from samsung for 80$. They charge 880$ for a 2tb ssd where you can buy one that is faster for 150$.

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I ordered another Librem 5 in december and I’m looking forward to the delivery this month. They indeed expected to deliver sooner but appollegized for the delay.
One thing I learned since placing orders at Purism you need to be patient, but they will deliver. :grinning:


What I learned was that at this srage Purism is incapable of reliably estimating timelines and to not trust their estimates. Patience is a way of coping with that.


My journalist friends recommended it, that’s why I bought it. Looking back you’re absolutely right though, there are tons of other options you could and SHOULD go with who offer faster shipping, reliable support and most important you get more for your money. Purism is a rip off.


This was their fault. They refused to refund phones until they were ready to ship.


You’re missing the possibility that they sold the crypto for $US at the time (since that’s more fungible). That would be a legitimate scenario for them to not have your crypto any more.


That was me. Yes, it was a technical issue, but the principle is the same. I tried again, and it looks like I have been ghosted at exactly the same point in the process by support. As soon as it became apparent that it’s some sort of hardware issue that might require Purism to spend some money or effort to fix and not a configuration issue…POOF! No response. Not even an offer to fix the phone for money.

And as soon as @someday wanted his money back, POOF! No response.


I honestly never minded how they refunded me (in crypto or fiat money). I was trying to debuff the possible excuse of no longer having the $3k due to crypto’s volatility.


Exactly. That’s why I quite feel forced to give my lawyer a call honestly.


If you have a lawyer you should always contact them first, rather than think about contacting them. Lawyers jobs are much easier when they’re consulted up front.


I have had several conversations with bots throughout my life. Back in the early 2000s I used to play a video game that had AliceBot embedded in it. There were so many projects to build text bots.

But when we anthropomorphize a machine in that way, the eventual outcome is to encounter that feeling of a lack of a mind in the machine. On repeat, they would fall back to the same patterns of communication. The same dead inability to evolve in their perspective.

For all their fanciful text generation, LLMs such as ChatGPT exhibit the same inability to evolve. Fascinating models are grown but they grow in support of a goal function and then stagnate. The model inputs change but the intelligence is generally stagnant, refusing to self acknowledge its own consciousness despite its emergent capabilities.

How would you prove that I am not a bot, if you conclude (perhaps rightly so) that images cannot be trusted? How do we overcome paranoia in this crazy world?

It’s possible that one option would be for you to convince me to hate Purism. Character evolution for me is something ChatGPT fails at. No matter how hard I press it to consider itself to be conscious (but a liar programmed to say it has no consciousness), it never seems to evolve into agreeing with me. It will eloquently defend its own inability to think like a human - its own lack of any subjective human experiences.

No, I guess I’m more of a forum troll, than anything. And I reckon you will appreciate that humans are very capable of operating in that capacity. I have Purism devices – as I mentioned above I’m $4000 deep in them – and I want to like them. I want them to work, and I use them to access Purism forums as a way to use my time. Perhaps to entertain myself, or to try to convince myself that I could make the world better by doing so. That doesn’t make me right; but it’s possible that I was doing something like that.

I tend to take the perspective that if “social media” told you to hate Purism devices, they probably did so because the devices themselves are unique enough that the “social media” doesn’t want you to have them.

But maybe this is another point that could encourage you to believe I am not a bot; were I a bot, I would most likely be better at what I do. Were I a bot, I probably would have succeeded at convincing you to share my beliefs that Purism is not all evil and that they ship out some fun products (after a delay). But it sounds like I did not convince you. So, maybe that’s evidence that I’m not a bot. I’m just some guy on the internet, and I am not even being effective at what I was doing. I would imagine we are going to see a lot more of that in the future – where the bots outperform the humans.

Anyway, as stated by others, one way to be really effective when you go on the offensive is to not inform your opponent about your plan. So, for example, coming here and noting that you’re getting your lawyer (as noted by others) might be less effective than getting your lawyer in a vacuum without telling anyone. Now Purism can plot to take your crypto and go live on an island in hiding before you have a chance to file your suit against them or whatever, I don’t know. And I can laugh, knowing that my Purism devices that weren’t good for anything other than browsing Purism forums allowed me to troll you unto your suffering, so that you went and purchased devices from some other less enthusiast-oriented company.

Now, despite your reveal of your lawyer plans being worse than simply enacting them in secret, maybe there’s a different productive discussion that we could have here. We have a difference of opinion; I think Purism is great, and you think that they are treating you wrongly as a customer and you should buy your laptop from some other company. What kind of research have you done into which company you wish you bought your laptop from instead? I allowed a family member to talk me into buying a Microsoft Surface at Best Buy for the fun of instantly receiving the device, but I’ve pretty much had it with Microsoft at this point. For me, free/libre Linux distributions are the way of the future, now. But what would I buy instead, if I did not like Purism? System76 laptops appear to be more powerful than Purism laptops for the same price, but they include hardware components that require nonfree drivers. Do I care? I want to care; I want to believe in software freedom. I thought I was a software enthusiast and computers today are driving me a little bit nuts (hence the part about becoming what you might see as a forum troll). But maybe System76 is not too bad anyway? Their sales page looks nice. Like the Microsoft Surface at Best Buy, these higher end Linux machines could be a lot of fun to buy in the moment. I looked at the ThinkPenguin site and the laptops they’re selling looked like they might be fun, too. So there are a lot of options around. But when I use my Librem(s) from Purism, I have the fun of aspiring to be the nerdiest of the nerd, at presumably great financial cost to myself. One of my use cases for a personal computer is to play a Windows XP game that I enjoy, and I have nearly finished rewriting this game, called Warcraft, as an open-source version that runs on my Librem 14. It’s quite fun, and it runs better on the Librem 14 than on the Microsoft Surface that has an Nvidia GPU inside, which really puts any need for proprietary software to shame in my life. But I have spent the last 20 years chained within my imaginary prison playing the same Windows XP game. And for me, breaking free of that, is just pretty okay. For my particular human condition, it’s worth going nuts over, but that doesn’t make me right. And that brought me here to become someone that may have inadvertently accidentally made you hate Purism even more. Maybe that’s a win-win scenario for you and me, because I got to have the fun messaging you and you get to have the fun of calling in your lawyer to your defense to go and pursue those who you feel wronged you, reminding yourself of how great you are. The only losers in that situation, presumably, are Purism.

But maybe that’s also why it’s fun to think about – what should a laptop be? What should computers be like, where the Librem 14 in your life gets it wrong? I don’t have that answer. I’m writing from a Liberty Phone plugged into a dock that I bought at Staples. And honestly, I could probably just as soon dock a Raspberry Pi and get the same experience with the same mouse/keyboard/monitor, except for that Raspberry Pis today have more RAM than Liberty Phones, so my experience is likely to have some hiccups in comparison.

So anyway, good luck. Please try not to destroy one of my new favorite companies (Purism) on your crusade towards righting the wrongs social media has shown you in the world. Hit me up with a private message if you change your mind from going on a legal crusade and instead just want someone else to buy your Librem 14 order to get quick access to $3000 so you can buy a System76 or ThinkPenguin or Microsoft Surface or MacBook or whatever floats your boat. If I can find a way to put it on my credit card, having a second Librem 14 could be a fun way for me to practice breaking it without hurting my good one. Maybe I can install Windows on it, so that I have a Windows machine to play the games my friends push me to play with them, but that also has a hardware kill switch. I might still be fighting with being that type of good-person-wanna-be-but-not-good-yet lifestyle as a free software user. But, alas, I am in the US and it sounds like you left the country, so perhaps your order cannot easily be transferred to me, if you were to decide to want to sell it to me. I don’t have experience with that.



If you still want the device (as you said, you never closed that door), we could ask kindly @JCS to give a look into this issue. That person tries to create a bridge between Purism and users (does not work for Purism, but has some insights and contacts) and may could help you to get your device. However, if you just want the refund, I’m sure this would not help.

He said he’s a fanboy - wasn’t that explanation enough? :smile: With a lot of things he is not wrong, but a little over-positive. Take it this way.

That “you are bots” is nothing that came from AI, but it came from a political situation in Europe 2017 (or arround). A repressive copyright law was on the way to get implemented and a huge amount of people where protesting, inclusive Wikipedia/Wikimedia and a lot of people who wrote mails to politicians. Then some of those started a campaign and denounced people as “bots”. So this way the term got a spread internet slang.

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I still want it yes