Where’s my refund?


Has Purism got no shame? You were supposed to cancel my order and refund it ages ago. I even contacted California AG to inform them of your little trick to raise money for your project. Accepting orders without actually being able to fulfill them is a crime. I have also threatened to initiate EU legal action where I live. Nothing stops you, you literally feel entitled to steal peoples money.

My order # is Purism_2978499 in case you decide to grow a conscience.


@JCS can help you with your order cancellation and refund request.

Maybe @JCS can help this redditor too ( /r/Purism/comments/192gfzm/waiting_on_a_refund_for_librem_14_since_2021/ )

I submitted an order for a Librem 14 in April 2021. After months of back-and-forth with their support team to get a shipping date, I decided to cancel my order in November 2021. At the time, the cancellation policy clearly stated I’m entitled to a full refund.

Here we are in January of 2024, and still no refund. I email their support every few months just so they know I didn’t forget. Has anyone taken legal action to resolve refund requests or shipping delays?

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Woah, hold on a second. Let’s settle expectations here. I’m not in the support or finance department and neither have the authority, account visibility, nor control of financial resources to issue refunds. If I did, literally every single refund request, etc, would have been approved immediately. I can, however, ping certain people for comment/update, ensure that people’s refund requests are being accounted for and documented appropriately in the issue tracker.


I think that sounds good and is much better than radio silence I’ve been getting from support now. I’d greatly appreciate it if you could ask for an update on my refund request.



I certainly don’t want anyone’s requests to fall on deaf ears, and I wholeheartedly sympathize with the frustrations of not receiving refunds in a timely manner. I have never requested a refund from Purism, but I’ve been startled to find a couple personal friends on the refund queue, so this topic hits very close to home for me.

I feel that the support team is often placed in an impossible situation here because they can queue up refund requests and ask for the financial resources to execute a refund, but they aren’t given the authorization to do so. Refund requests then get stale and people get increasingly (and understandably) upset. Support then tries to provide customer service while not having any new updates for the customer, which is a no-win-scenario for anyone. Customers eventually hit their limit of patience and threaten (or initiate) legal action. I think this is primarily when people at the company stop talking, because there are numerous reports of specific support contractors being personally belittled, berated and threatened; they do not want to provoke the situation further or provide additional ammunition for any litigation against them or the company, so it’s a matter of risk mitigation.

Let’s also please not vilify the finance department. In asking them about this, they are clearly doing their best given the accounts and priorities they have. I genuinely do not feel that any of this is an intentional swindling of people’s hard-earned money - it’s that there was a huge surge of refund requests within a short time, causing a ripple effect - a delicate financial balancing act that Purism needs to overcome sooner than later.

I know talk is cheap and customers rightfully deserve to see action. Purism is actively working on several initiatives to correct this, hopefully re-earn the community’s trust over time, and resume creating great things. Until then, I do see an open ticket for your order number which includes correspondence of several legal threats and complaints to US agencies. Again, I do not work in the support or finance departments, but I will reach out to finance to investigate options to settle your account.


I sincerely appreciate your balanced response and tone. You’ve captured the sentiment very well. I really look forward to hopefully see a resolution and get closure with your help.

To clarify, I did indeed threaten legal action but have not initiated any specific action except formal complaints, which of course I’ll be happy to withdraw or amend once my account is settled. As you said, I had reached the point of total frustration and was hoping that such formal actions might speed up the refund process.

Thank you again and I look forward to updates on my ticket.


Great, if there is a more efficient process than simply mentioning your username in a forum post after radio silence from Purism support, I highly suggest clearly explaining it.


That’s an soul wrenching, incredible slow, and unpredictable way of dealing with this problem. Why don’t you sell the order instead? The forum has a marketplace.


I wasn’t aware of the marketplace, I will try but I’m not sure how easy it would be to transfer my order.

In any case, I hope @JCS will be able to help with speeding up the refund process.

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Purism allows and even supports transfer of orders, coupon codes etc.

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I meant finding someone to “buy” the order would be difficult. I rather get the account settled with a refund if possible


Selling orders have proved to be much more efficient than taking legal action. First poster in the refund thread sold his order and left. Same with the last active user of the tread. First he took the !Legal Action! troll bait and wasted so much energy on nothing until he realized he could just sell the order. And did so in no time. It looks like 50% of the refund seekers sold their orders.

Putting the order up for sale and requesting a refund are not mutual exclusive.


Legal option in itself is not objective, it was just means for me to get the desired outcome. I’ll take whatever approach that get me the same result (assuming such approach would not add/move the burden to me, I’m that lazy :smiley: ).

Thanks again, I’ll definitely consider transferring the order if there’s interested buyer. I appreciate your help and like I said really legal option is not a “goal” here.


Next step is writing a sales post :slight_smile:

Order date?
Has Purism offered a 120% coupon?

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Soon will take care of that, thanks again :slight_smile:


@JCS are there any updates on this? Thanks again for your help with this!


@JCS any updates? anyone I can contact to expedite this refund?

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I had a flood of notifications and didn’t see your previous @ to me, my apologies. I sent a private message to you regarding an update on your refund request.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ghosted after refund request, what now?