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Thanks to some training here, I performed the following fist:
I have handed the device off to 3 different people and asked them to:
1- Open the device with following password.
2 - Open Firefox
I know, 2/3rds are off screen. “Use Bing instead of Duck”. I have checked, and it does work on a Puri staff members device. So it is functioning here, once I get the device hooked up to a monitor and keypad. But it took a while for 2 of them to get past the extra keys appearing, but another screen way off-side.
3 - instead. close that and open Test Editor. Tap in ‘my dog has fleas’.
They had a hard time hitting the right keys. Even close bside the key will produce extras.
4 - Close that and open ‘htop’. ,Good, I don’t know what they all mean either, but I was told to install it and run it.
Three people all with a cell, had difficulties with typing, tapping and swiping. No one needs to exactly hit the key to make make it show up. 1/8 to 1/4" away will make the target respond sometimes with 2 3 copies of the target key.
Too, they complained that it sometimes takes 5 - 8 tap before it responds. That is the 12 -13 second delay that comes around between most taps & swipes I mentioned earlier in a post.
The non-scientific test was done to check to make sure I wan’t the only one. But then again, after tapping and editing back, and getting the correct key result on-screen, might mean it is functioning. I didn’t get the memo.
You know what hte issues are if you read the above so, may the end user have access to whatever, and adjust pressure/tap/swipe so that the timed-space between when the finger actually touches the board and target reacts so that the tap isn’t registered unless finger has touched, and not just above, the target key? tia