Crimson Experience

#264 as mentioned earlier. Usually Jenkin builds the images daily, but the last 18 have been failing.

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Hmh, this should be seen as the latest 18 days nobody looked for it?

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Feel free to interpret however you wish. I prefer facts, not speculation.


This is not tooooo hard to interprete :frowning:

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Woooh zash1958,
aren’t you seeing it all too dark?
Updates will be available, they just need some time.

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As Purism has announced to become a hardware-oriented company I fear that this has leaded or will lead to a layoff of all “unnecessary” devs and people in software QA and maybe other places.

And that we officially do not hear one single word for the future of the L5 or especially software development on it…

I am in my own business since 30+ years and have learned:

If it looks like a dog, behaves like a dog, moves like a dog, smells like a dog has hair like a dog and sounds like a dog

… maybe it is really a dog.

I only put the (non existing) information of Purism together with a for weeks not maintained build of Crimson and 2 support cases I have made some weeks ago and get never a real usable answer. And the absolute silence of them in all things which are important… perhaps the rules of the dog also give here an important point of thinking


I can’t say I agree with this point of view, but I don’t think this is the appropriate thread to go into that.
However I’m sorry that you feel this way.
Maybe the future will bring some sunshine into your L5/Purism experience :slightly_smiling_face:


Agree, maybe we should start another thread for the future of the L5 with an software development outside of Purism. And there discuss which builds from for example postmarketos / kupfer / Mobian are usable as an replacement for the maybe never upcoming Crimson

Anybody interested?

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flashed the “green-flagged” build

Build #264 (22.03.2024, 16:02:00)

and the phone is perfectly silent with absolutely no sounds . Same error as before, no sound input for the microphone and also no system sound works


with a for weeks not maintained build of Crimson and 2 support cases

Just that this isn’t the crimson build. This is a build with the old installer. Crimson is targeted to use debos ( which (AFAIK) doesn’t have an automated build setup atm.


… and this seems to be blocked and no build can be tested ATM?

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You can fetch the MR and build an image, provide feedback, etc… I didn’t say the situation is great, just wanted to avoid people looking at the wrong place and drawing conclusions.


The situation is absolutely not great …


After Mobian Trixie automatic suspend regressed (after a few suspend-resume cycles, automatic suspend breaks), I switched to Mobian Bookworm and it is working great so far. My phone stayed on after a 10 hour drive with automatic suspend after 5 minutes turned on. Phone calls, SMS, Browsing (needed to install latest firefox-esr-mobile-config 4.3.1), Dino all works well so far.


Where I can find a build for the L5 based on Mobian-bookworm? There is all down now?

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There were 900+ package updates today, so I upgraded most of them, with the rest still missing various dependencies. A few Flatpaks, such as Lollypop and Secrets, no longer successfully initialize their launchers due to various errors, but their associated file types still launch the applications, otherwise Crimson remains functional. One small change I immediately noticed was that the Terminal now uses a solid bar for measuring progress when installing new packages.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of other changes:

  • The alarm icon when toggled to On or Silent has changed.
  • Chats (Chatty) now has a fading line cursor.
  • Removable media now requires mounting in Files (Nautilus).
    • Image file thumbnails are now orange.
  • Calendar (Evolution) is missing due to unmet dependencies.
  • Advanced Networking/Network Connections has a new icon.
  • Mobile Settings does not list lockscreen widgets, although that is likely due to phosh-core not being upgraded due to unmet dependencies.
  • Settings → Appearance has a new Dark theme background, although it does not affect the home screen.


any updates on when it’s arriving to stable branch?

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AFAIK there is also no well-running preview or test release available ATM?

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Same release as before.

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