I think this was the one I reflashed, but then the update from atp or the pureos store will break the system if I reboot. During the reboot, it is a black screen. If I don’t update, it is usable to some degree.
I followed this article since the author keeps updating it. He found two libraries break the os after updating the system using apt update. I used his scripts, after updating it becomes the os: Landing, it can reboot but most of the softwares becomes usable. Did you guys do the system update after flashing to the crimson? Thanks.
Yes, but breakage after updating is expected now due to recent ongoing Crimson development.
So if we want to use crimson, we don’t update the system for now?
Correct, alternatively you can use Mobian (stable):
Thanks. Is it the same step as we flash the Crimson via the L5 flash script? Or I might need to read the Mobian doc I guess.
Entirely different steps, which include using Jumpdrive.
Got it. I will stay with pmos and pureos for now. Might test on crimson weekly I guess. Thanks.
Can someone please help me i just updated my phone. And now i can pass the disk encryption screen. It wont even let me input the password at all. Also i have been stuck on benzytium for 2 years. How do i upgrade to crimson?
has anyone tried this one yet? difference between the crimson image that we flashed from the landing? this one can now officially flash from the librem 5 flash script for crimson.