I have just ordered two Librem 5 for me and my lovely wife, after being able to convince her (!) of this step. (Okay no pressure, guys, but don’t let me down )
While discussing the possiblities, I realized that the default docking option (big screen) is actually not what we are interestend in. And it kinda seems that 97,7% of all non-enterprise backers might agree with me here. (Yes, I do know it’s a stretch… )
For almost 5 years now I use a Lenove Yoga (13") as my primary computer at home and immediately when I got it, booting up my workstation became a rare event. And I mean rare. What I want to do 90% of the time is
- Surf, watch a video (need a screen bigger than 5")
- Write Documents, Mails, Forum entries (need a keyboard and a touch pad)
And every once in a while:
- Do some GIMP and some Inkscape (need a real mouse).
- Connect some storage (need a USB and/or RJ45 port)
In other words, I want to turn my Librem 5 into a Librem 13! (or 11 or 15)
That would be so awesome! When you come home, you stick your Librem 5 in the Librem13-Shell, it get’s recharged, and you can just use it like a laptop. Not only would it be awesome, you could also take the LibremShell* everywhere and show everybody just how awesome it is. (And I would totally do that)
By the way, more keyboard layouts (namely German) would be a requirement, not only for the LibremShell, but also for the existing laptops for me to buy them. Even if that would mean that I have to manually remove the lids and replace them.
Also, it should be designed in a forward-compatible way that would allow it to dock slightly different phones, too. Like the Librem 6
*(LibremShell: or Libreum, to add a third latin word, Austreum, to Librem )
The small solution would be to modify the Librem 11 Dockingstation so that it also works with the Librem 5.
I guess that would basically mean to add a USB-C port, right?
(And yes, please add the product details to the web page as requested here: Librem 11 Docking Station)
The even smaller option would be a simple USB-C-to-HDMI cable, so you can attach it to a beamer and run a presentation