Introducing the Librem 11

Yes, that’s fair. Wh measures energy, whereas Ah measures charge (ultimately the number of excess electrons) - and voltage connects the two (by multiplication).

So for an apples to apples comparison … the 3500 mAh at 7.6V is equivalent energy to 7000 mAh at 3.8V, which you can then compare with the Librem 5’s 4500 mAh battery. Ignoring losses - and ignoring any other information that we don’t have (yet).

I’ll edit my post as the comparison that I made is misleading.


Part of my reason for asking originally was a suspicion that the run-time on battery would not be very good and hence thinking about the possibility of using an external battery bank. But, in addition to needing to be compatible, the usefulness of that will depend on the energy in the battery bank relative to the energy in the internal battery.

So, again, ignoring losses, if I know the capacity of the internal battery and I can lay my hands on a battery bank with twice that capacity then I can increase the run-time by a factor of 3 - even if I don’t yet know what that run-time is. (By contrast, if the battery bank is only going to increase the run-time by 10%, it’s probably not worth considering.)


This depends on your personal usage. And RAM is something I rather want to have more than less. You don’t want to get your system slow down by RAM or even worse to get an unstable system. In the promotion video Purism shows Blender as one of the applications which works great for this tablet. A current blender project of mine needs 2,4GB RAM plus some tabs of Firefox plus operating system and I’m above 4GB. 8GB is a good number as long as there is no option to increase or decrease it on shop.

However, I can understand that there are use cases where even 8GB are not enough. As I said, it depends on personal usages. At least the ability to increase RAM is something that should be standard for such devices.

In general I’m not interested in tablets right now (have no personal use case), but the L11 doesn’t even look like something I would care about. It seems everything that made L5 interesting is not build in L11 - except running GNU Linux by default. I’m not sure if that was a good deal Purism made.

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I do not know if there will be SeaBIOS or the other PureBoot variants available as a payload for the Librem 11, but based on the history of Purism and their support regardiing boot firmware on all of their devices, I am confident they will be offered as options too.

It will ship Pureboot by default (Coreboot+Modified HEADS) on all Librem 11 devices. To be specific it will ship Pureboot Basic (Introducing PureBoot Basic – Purism). Which allows to use the device without a Librem Key.

If you have a Librem Key, you can enable the full features of Pureboot in the Pureboot menu. Thus enabling the tamper detection feature of Pureboot+Librem Key.

The USB ports of this first iteration of the Librem 11 are USB-C, but with an USB-A to C adapter you can use the Librem Key.

It should be possible to provide a different bootloader option (Coreboot+seabios or others).

But Pureboot basic provides the same features as seabios: Hardware information, Booting the device, selecting to boot from a USB device, but adds to that (among other things) a graphical interface, which our previous coreboot+seabios did not provide. And also a recovery shell for different operations if needed
And has the option to enable full Pureboot if you prefer.

EDIT: A coreboot+seabios option already exists. And you can flash it with the usual scripts.


no, it was not


no, it’s phosh.

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Is Qubes OS supported on the Librem 11?

Qubes has been tested on the Librem 11. Yes, it can run, performance wise it is slower than a Debian image (which also has been tested and runs), or PureOS. Fedora has also been tested and it boots and runs.


Since the display is AMOLED. it will be interesting to see whether a dark theme results in longer run time for a given brightness setting.


I hardly see why not.

It could get lost in the noise of other energy guzzling and/or the display electronics might not be well designed.

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Any chance that you could submit an HCL report?
In my opinion, Qubes may be the main selling point of Librem 11, as it’s the only tablet suitable to run it. I hope you can offer it preinstalled, too.

With Qubes, you basically don’t need to care about trusting WiFi/camera/mic or about kill switches, since it’s hardware isolation is practically unbreakable. You simply stop sys-usb VM to make sure they all are off.


That depends on how much you trust Qubes OS against your threat model’s capabilities of defeating it within a specified time frame.


Famous last words. :stuck_out_tongue:


@FranklyFlawless @prolog
Last time Qubes isolation was broken in 2006 and done by Qubes founder herself, so judge by yourself:

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Isn’t Qubes with 8GB RAM pretty constrained?

You claim the Librem 11 is the “only tablet suitable to run it [QubesOS]”? Why wouldn’t the above-discussed Starlite Mk V tablet work? [ It works with Coreboot, it has more RAM (16GB), it has a more capable CPU, etc. ]

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Yes, but the form-factor is much better for traveling. You have to run less VMs simultaneously of course.

Maybe it will work, but AFAIK nobody tried that. Purism in general cares that their devices run Qubes well.

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None of the as shipped apps that I have opened so far have that close button (x). A hamburger menu is the top rightmost icon and it does not have a close option. Apps are always fullscreen and the only way I’ve found to close them is to drag the window way way up so that it minimzes. It then has a hidden X that I have never been able to find with my finger (the app always re-maximizes whenever I try). The only way I’ve found to close an app is to drag drag drag it way way up to minimize it, then hover over the top right area with the pen until the X (well inside from the corner appears. Then I can tap the X with the pen and the app closes.

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