L5 Crimson image testing thread

Has anyone looked at byz-backports and crimson? both. To me, they seem pretty much the same - probably due to same phosh versions. Has anyone noticed anything really different (besides crimson being a work in progress)?

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So Crimson has phosh 0.34 while @galilley’s Byzantium backports has phosh 0.44! Note the difference


Ok, I’ll give you that. My point was more that there’s nothing mindblowingly different at first glance - hence the need for more thorough looks.


There should be if you have the backports fully installed.
What does apt list phosh show?

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It’s the 0.44.0, as it should be. Not to be confusing, but it’s all relative and it’s all good - just nothing major. The most useful difference that I’ve noticed is the GNOME utilities folder icon (instead of those apps being amongst all the others), but I considered thet to be one of the minor details. From the non-phosh apps, I notice how Settings has gotten more stuff, but yet it seems just a bit incremental. The line for squeekboard and how that acted was annoying at first.
… stuff like that from the byz-backports. Crimson seemed to have some of the GNOME stuff, but nothing relatively major (yet) to show or hint at.


Hi everyone!
I’m in the deal! Just boot Crimson on my phone :). Gnome-calls do not really work (main blocker) and looks like bluetooth handset do not activated automatically, but now I’m able to test Crimson-backports-unofficial and Phosh 0.44.1 is already there!


Give it to me crimson-backports now, now ,now.

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Just created the new thread, you are welcome! :blush:


I flashed Crimson like this

./scripts/librem5-flash-image --stable --variant plain --dist crimson

and the script said that the image installed was

Build "stable" 'Last stable librem5r4 build' from Tue Jan 14 18:35:42 2025

SMS works.

For phonecalls there is no audio (I can make a call but I cannot hear the other person’s voice and they cannot hear me).

Ideas on how to fix that?

Other who have tested, does phonecall audio work for you in Crimson?


Not working. Mic/sources not seen by system.

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OK that explains why the other side cannot hear me, but I also hear no sound in a phonecall. I can get sound in other ways, like the test function in sound settings (the “front left” and “front right” sounds there work) and playing sound in web the browser works. Even if the mic does not work, it should be possible to hear the incoming audio in a phonecall?


There are some changes you may just did not see yet. For example Squeekboard supports more characters and smileys and some previously not supported apps and Shift Modifier. Some of my recent work for custom layouts do not work correctly on Squeekboard below version 1.43.

Also Phosh supports new stuff like custom quick settings, quick settings drop down menus, different users on one system, lots of improvements to phosh-osk-stub and so on. Not everything is visible on the UI or on the first view.

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Crimson have the backports too


See also:

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I have that same issue. Just installed crimson and can’t get Wifi, lucky or not…


As you can see from the table, at the moment it depends on which card you have.

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Anyone who can’t get WiFi able to test a USB ethernet dongle? (so that there is at least some way of being on the network)

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I created an issue for this: Redpine card is not supported in current Crimson image (#5) · Issues · PureOS / Core Packages / base-files · GitLab


Crimson devs also requested to get feedback of non-working issues to PureOS-project - Purism Mailing Lists - drop them a line and/or link to ticket, just in case.


I can verify that usb-dongle/hub did give net connection (as per convergence testing), although I did also have a working wifi.

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