L5 Crimson image testing thread

I have that same issue. Just installed crimson and can’t get Wifi, lucky or not…


As you can see from the table, at the moment it depends on which card you have.

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Anyone who can’t get WiFi able to test a USB ethernet dongle? (so that there is at least some way of being on the network)

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I created an issue for this: Redpine card is not supported in current Crimson image (#5) · Issues · PureOS / Core Packages / base-files · GitLab


Crimson devs also requested to get feedback of non-working issues to PureOS-project - Purism Mailing Lists - drop them a line and/or link to ticket, just in case.


I can verify that usb-dongle/hub did give net connection (as per convergence testing), although I did also have a working wifi.

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So the alsa path is the defective one? What do those {} mean? Is that just a programmers way of leaving comments on the programming without it interfering by being read by the computer as code?

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man bash

search for Brace Expansion


Hey, I am thinking to flash PureOS Crimson. Some things are broken, the LUKS disk encryption is a big one for me. Will this problems get fixed with updates, or will I have to re-flash a “final release image”?

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The Crimson is purely for testing at this point. It is not suggested to “upgrade” to it. More updates and images are expected to come in the coming months. Expect to need to re-flash a new image if you use a testing image (the plan seems to be that there will be an upgrade path from byz, eventually). For more info, see " PureOS Crimson Development Reports" from Purism news page - monthly update expected in a week or so.


I understand. Thank you sir.


Almost certainly. It is difficult to change an unencrypted disk to an encrypted disk in situ.

Even apart from the disk encryption (current) restriction, there is some likelihood that you might have to reflash in order to get to the final (official) release of crimson - given the unpredictable and potentially buggy state of the many devices that have been testing interim releases of crimson.

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