Crimson backports unofficial

Ok, lets start the new round unofficial updates for our Librem5 to get a new experience with close-to-upstream software.

To apply backports please follow instruction by the link.

In case if you do not familiar yet with the topic please read first this post about backports for Byzantium.


Yay! :partying_face: Will take me an hour or two but will try…

[Btw. I think you should add a note and link that to use the backports, they need to flash crimson - where to find the guide for that]

And just as a reminder for anyone excited: crimson is still for testing only due to missing functionality, like un-encrypted system/partitions.


Ok. That was easy. No hickups on the installation this time.

First impressions: yes somethings have updated and instantly it feels a smidge better. That being said, FF ESR is v.128 (if that matters - video and sound work) and there’s no camera, calls, mic/soundin etc., so same limited basic functions, as expected and previously tested.

I wonder if we could get camera to work. Millipixels refuses to install due to missing files: libcamera0, which in turn needs libtiff5 (>=4.0.3).
[And maybe modemmanager too, if requests are taken…?]


A real and promising Light-on-the-Horizon. Thanks :pray:
Thank you for preventing me falling into the evil hands of Mobian and Postmarket to try new Phosh version.

Purism | galilley
C r i m s o n


willing to rest once the testing image is usable. so far it breaks too easy. is there a new image to test beside the onefrom purism dist crimson and the oneon the landing repo?

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There is no another image, I’m using the official one.

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This is the one that I was using. I haven’t tried the official testing one since I read that It needs the additional jump drive to do(from that purism news), so I didn’t try.

this is what FranklyFlawless in his other post used.

  1. Flash a PureOS 10.3 image on a USB drive, then boot it.

  2. Install git, then follow these steps up until you have finished installing the udev rules.

  3. Download the librem5r4.img.xz from landing and u-boot-librem5.imx from mainline, then extract librem5r4.img.xz using Archive Manager to the root of librem5-flash-image; move u-boot-librem5.imx into the root of the same directory as well.

  4. Execute this code, then follow the subsequent steps thereafter:
    ./scripts/librem5-flash-image --skip-download --dir ./

I flashed that, it says crimson, I wonder if they are the same one?


Technically both images are Crimson, but one of the them is configured to use the landing repository, while the official testing image uses the crimson repository instead.

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Could you provide your /etc/sources.list?

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I dont remember, but i can’t do sudo update because it breaks the boot. i might try again later. did you just flash the crimson using the flash script without doing any extra steps?

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so they are the same I guess.

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Use this command to print your /etc/apt/sources.list:

sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list
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You can not boot Crimson after apt dist-upgrade even you did not use backports repo?
Are you boot from internal storage (mmc) or sd-card?

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Try to install Millipixels from backports (just became available), it works for me. Turn Off and On your HKS in case of it will not recognize cameras first.


Bingo, a working camera.


no, I mean reboot breaks after I flashed the crimson and did a sudo update and upgrade with their official packages, then boot breaks. i didnt even get a chance to install your packages. ha. Did you do the sudl update and upgrade right after the crimson flash?

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I can not imagine the situation in which such behavior could be possible… UUIDs may be wrong, fstab is incorrect, kernel-flashing fails… Troubles may appear on an any step and each step must (and can be) checked.

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You need to change your sources to crimson from landing

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according to this.

if we just the update and upgrade after flash, it will break unless we follow his steps and scripts, then udpate will work but many apps cant use. if i want to apply the the backport, did you leave the only backports repos to do the upgrade?

or you are able to do the upgrade with the default repo from the crimson?

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$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# Main package repository for PureOS
deb crimson main

# Important security updates
deb crimson-security main

# Other updates for resolving non-security issues
deb crimson-updates main

# Backports
deb [allow-insecure=yes] ./