[MyL5] Received my Librem 5 (Evergreen)

It can work, but requires extra steps behind the scenes. We are tracking it in https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/gnome-control-center/-/issues/107 and just haven’t finished the work necessary such that it “just works” out of the box.


Plug and play convergence for Evergreen should come very soon w/ a new kernel update. In the mean time it requires a development kernel and a number of other steps on top of the default image so that it’s plug and play.


Kyle is the goal of Phosh to eventually be its own GNOME mobile shell?

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I’ve see mockups that look absolutely stunning.

I’m not sure what you mean. It already is a shell that works on mobile form factors as well as desktop form factors and has a lot of UI elements that are similar to GNOME shell.

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I used Whatsapp for quite a while. Basically until it stopped working on Windows phones. I tried finding an alternative {Matrix, Riot, Elements, Telegram, Signal, Jamie, SMS), but to no avail. Everyone is on Whatsapp; nobody is prepared to make the switch (and risk becoming a social outcast).

People still respond to SMS’s, but that’s because it’s sort of ‘build in’. But the fascist provider tactic of blocking the MMS part really doesn’t help.

Meanwhile the pressure from peers, family and others to get back to that Whatsappcrap is getting pretty intolerable, and even somewhat creepy.

I am very curious whether the L5 will offer a viable - preferably more privacy conscious - way of getting back into the loop. To be honest, I have my doubts.

Workable suggestions (i.e. not involving complicated server setups and matrix bridge building and what not) are very welcome. Hope to hear from Evergreen users about their chatting experiences soon…

Modem Manager is a large part of why MMS is not available yet. I think someone posted about that in this thread.

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You probably need to use a (Linux) laptop as the hotspot client, in order to troubleshoot it.

sudo iwlist wl-interfacename scan

I could be wrong but I vaguely recall some issue relating to changing the mode of the WiFi over dynamically.

That would be my guess.

Whether you can activate more exotic modes is a good question to investigate when you have the phone. L5 mesh party, yay! :wink:

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I’m pretty sure it will boil down to forwarding setting which needs to be

$ sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding
net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1

Plus inevitably you’d need ipt MASQ rule to hide the traffic behind the phone, something like what docker creates

# iptables -nvL POSTROUTING -t nat 
Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 82185 packets, 5638K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
    4   249 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      !docker0           

that should [theoretically] be done by nm when enabling hotspot.

Forwarding, NATting, DHCP server, … but before that … can a client even associate with the WiFi hotspot?

It is suggested above that not all of the work is done, so maybe the expectation at this time is that whatever appears to work, it isn’t fully working.

Phosh was created at the recommendation of GNOME developers, because it would be easier for faster development than to fork the standard GNOME shell due to several issues, one being it’s monolithic nature, of being a plugin inside of the window composer, mutter.

While phosh is 3 separate components: Window composer phoc, shell phosh, virtual keyboard squeekboard, this provides a bit more flexibility to work on and a smaller code base. But underneath it you have the intire GNOME session: g-i-s (GNOME Initial Setup), g-c-c (GNOME Control Center), g-s-d (GNOME Settings Daemon: e.g gsettings)

But of course GNOME is also thinking about the future of it’s shell in these new times of true convergence, and same code across devices. Who knows what the future has.

But those mockups you pointed to from the GNOME design team, are work in progress to debate the future, it is not certain that they will follow those mockups, as they were to start a debate. Please do not consider them as a finished decision from GNOME on the future of GNOME Shell


@amarok we need a bit of pluming in the kernel to make the process automatic


yes: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mobile-broadband/ModemManager/-/issues/227

In short Modem Manager lacks a plugin to be able to manage MMS


Thanks for explainging this. It is a bit confusing that the name “phosh” is used in different ways like this, apparently one of the components inside “phosh” is called “phosh”. Might be worth considering renaming one of them slightly?

There is a package that can be installed that is called “phosh”, is that the larger “phosh” with the three components inside it, or is it the shell “phosh”? I think it’s the latter, but I think it would help avoid confusion if the bigger thing had a different name. Maybe call it “phosh user interface” that would then include those three parts, then “phosh” would be one of the parts inside the “phosh user interface”?


In this case I was referring to the whole stack as phosh, I can agree that it can be confusing.

Yes, a metapackage for this is either already created or in the works, so that you can install it as easy as you install say: xfce4, gnome-shell or another Desktop Enviornement.

In upstream Debian (Unstable) a metapackage is also being worked on, last I check the missing component was the keyboard.

Once that is completed installing phosh on a Debian based machine can be as easy as sudo apt install phosh


The Thai keyboard was just merged this week, but I didn’t put it in a release yet. If it’s indeed wrong (I have no knowledge of Thai), then please let us know so that it can be fixed before the next release.


\o/ updates :smiley: @nerd7473 please see the above reply


Will the Librem 5 eventually implement MMS? I can’t daily drive without it.


It’s in the plans, but it requires some work