Pretty sure no update has been pushed out for the modem software yet, and this SIM is not my primary one so I haven’t been calling, but since you asked, I did another test call (to my other phone). L5 caller still sounds slightly muffled, but not like your head is wrapped in a blanket or anything. Is it usable for calls? Yeah, if you don’t mind subjecting your friends, family, and associates to poorer call quality. I’d give the quality maybe a 5 out of 10 right now, with 10 being crystal clear and 1 being “Huh? What… can you…say that again…What???”
I also took this opportunity to test the loudspeaker during a call, and it works, but the volume seems a little lower than it should be. I clicked the volume key a few times and noticed that the clicks transmit to the other end as electronic static (on speaker and off speaker), which I hadn’t noticed before. In general the connection is kind of noisy at the moment.
Maybe @mattnewport could share his impressions here.
You could run mount on console and post the output here. There we should see the mount points. Output of df would be interesting. I think df -h would be with human readable output of data volumes.
So I think there is a app called “Terminal” in your app launcher. Open it. Then you see a black background and some “prompt” meaning there is the name of the system / device and something like “:~$” followed by a cursor. This means you can now input command. You could start a program just by typing its name and hit enter. Do you feel the DOS nostalgia?
Exercise 1
So now type “mount” and hit enter. If the keyboard is hidden there should be a button to unhide in some corner.
Mount is a program to bind file systems e.g. like those on external storage devices into your systems root file system. So your system has already a file system and with mount you can say: “I want to access my USB drive through directory XY.” When you run mount without parameters it will not change anything but out s list of mounted devices or partitions and the directories where they can be accessed.
Sometimes you can pass arguements / parameters to a program. E.g. you could run firefox which would startup Firefox which opens the given URL.
Exercise 2
Now type “df -h” and hit enter.
Df is a program that outputs a table of file systems, they size, occupied and free space. I don’t know what the abbreviation stands for. The parameter “-h” should tell df the shorten storage sizes by orders of magnitude. Without it df prints bytes unstressed of gigabytes and so on.
If you like to know what a program does you can look into its man page by running “man program-name”. You can scroll with cursor buttons and remember to quit by pressing q.
I think I managed to grab all of this. It’s EXTREMELY difficult to scroll SLOWLY through the terminal. You touch the output and it flies by paragraphs at a time.