New Post: Librem 5 Update: Shipping Estimates and CPU Supply Chain

how many people working in the sig-int community have ALREADY received the El Cinque ? but i guess we will never know … :innocent:

0? They would be ordering the USA Edition and as far as I know none of those have shipped yet although I am sure the sig-int community won’t be advertising the fact in this forum when they do get their phones, whichever edition.

unless they specifically want the made-in-PRC-edition … there is a market for sig-int specialists there too ? remember the world is usually divided into spheres of political influence … at a time ofc :wink: or it could be both ? like 007 ?

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My bad. One can only speculate …

That would be… funny: Sigint and other intel & sec outfits and agencies could have ordered L5, because it’s so good. They want convenient privacy too! Which could be delaying the shipments to consumers. Would be good, that the device gets recognition but it would probably also get poked at to see how to get in. So, is this the latest (conspiracy) theory why the delays have happened (surely the global logistics explanation was a smokescreen, right)…? :wink:


I made an extrapolation for your friend here: 3500 phones ordered, almost $2.5 million raised

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I disagree with this (what’s before is compatible with what I wrote, and I don’t feel concerned by what is following it)
That’s absolutely not my view, criticizing is healthy, that why I took time to answer clearly the first time (like other did)
Now when the reaction is dismissing everything said by “y’all fanboys”, contradiction with himself, and pushing more criticizes, then the credibility is not higher than a troll

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Being a mobile platform developer is the new rocket scientist!

amen and awoman

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I just read all that and you didn’t even tell me the name!

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Gab just announced a new phone (not in production yet), also there’s e-foundation de-Googled phones. I’m staying the course on the Librem given these phones will probably triple in value if the ARM shortage gets worse & they have to scale back. I may pick up an e-foundation phone and compare the two.
It’s a tough business to be in, and I know how hard building something from scratch is. I’m hoping they get a financial boost and keep production going, especially now. This seems like the exact time Librem was meant for.

If one thinks about what they are doing, this is not that much money. $2.5 mm. Let’s assume components cost $100.00 per phone (I honestly have no idea). That means they have about $2.1 mm over 3 years. That is $700 K per year which means that if they employed 3 fte’s (full-time employees at $233 K including benefits, etc) over the three-year period, they didn’t make a single cent and all of their profit is going to be made on selling phones once the L-5 is out. If these numbers are even reasonably close, we should be thanking them for their missionary work instead of complaining…


I think there’s a misunderstanding here. As you say, criticizing is healthy, and honest evaluation of criticism is very much a good thing. However, a large portion of the criticisms of Purism are from the same handful of people, bringing up the same (answered) objections, over and over again. And when answered, their reply is accusations of “fanboyism”. This not only damages their creditbility, it makes it so when others criticize Purism, they face the accusation of just being part of the Anti-Purism crowd (often while simultaneously being called a Purism fanboy by the Anti-Purism crowd). This doesn’t make the honest criticism of Purism less honest or less valid, but it does drown it in noise.

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smoke screen or not … looks like some of us will be ‘grilling’ for some time from now on …

I believe you mean Gabb Wireless? Gab is an isolated Mastodon cluster in the Fediverse full of white supremacy-types. Very different.

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Nope, see discussion here - it’s not Gab Wireless they’re referencing.

Edit: I would link a news source as well but have no idea if it would be considered controversial in some way so leaving it off for the time being.

Ah interesting. Figured the news would have made the rounds on tech news sites like Ars and the like if it was that Gab. Thanks for the info

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Wrong. Gab Dissenter.

Jesus, if that were the reaction on my progress status reports, I would stop being transparent too. Seriously folks, with all due respect, if you don’t believe is trustworthy just don’t give them your money. But I am happy, because I received my money’s worth already with a pinephone which would not work without’s work on the OS (and their open upstreaming policy, which should not be taken for granted.)
Three(!) years of wait is quit a challenge and I am positively surprised that manages to pull this through these challenging times so far (which is more than can be said about my Jolla tablet).
Also, stop comparing the Librem5 with an pre-existing stock de-googled Android phone, these are leagues apart in terms of effort.


The problem with the world is people replaying MSM narratives without any proof or looking for themselves. Calling people that do not share your point of view a Nazi does not foment a coming together of ideas. Please stop contributing to the division.

Gab is an isolated Mastodon cluster in the Fediverse full of white supremacy-types. Very different.

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