Another perspective on this is… UPgrade within the digital device arena a usually means that the upgrade fixes bugs, or keeping up with the Gate’s, or a part has become obsolete overnight because someone else invested a better mouse trap, or company is turning it’s back on customers and heading off in anew direction. And lastly, ‘upgrade’ usually means an improvement.
I don’t have to upgrade my old clunker desktop if I don’t want to use some of the new bells and whistles that surround a decent program. My ‘clunker’ can do what Win 10 does, except deprive Microsoft of using 40% of my system to tell on me. There are many reasons to uograde. And my question was not meant to be derided into something else, and it still stands…
I’ve come to feel that upgrading at $2,706.13 at today’s exs cenage rate, (AKA $1,999.00) to keep up to date with the …“latest and greatest technology” is a very expensive item to add to my right to privacy. If we don’t keep up to date with latest and greatest technology, we are deprived of some services - or get left behind. That’s OK for my desktop, but a $2+k phone should last longer than a politicians promise.
The website states but doesn’t say if hardware is included:
Lifetime updates that actually extend your phone’s life
When you purchase a Librem 5, you can be confident that we will continue to provide security updates, privacy improvements, bug fixes, and new features… for the lifetime of your device, without compromising performance. Your Librem will stay secure and responsive for years to come. Like a good wine, it will probably get better over time, not worse.
of that, I have no doubt that ‘‘Like a good wine, it will probably get better over time, not worse.’’ but at what cost.
Because it appears it will be 6 months before I’d receive today’s un-upgraded version of next years promo. And, no idea yet if carriers @ home would allow me to use a Librem 5 phone.
I’m sticking with taking back some of my rights to privacy with PureOS on a laptop.
I don’t have a *clever phone because of the rampant rape of our rights by companies so big that even governments, including the brash U.S. won’t go near them. The phone must wait until it is affordable.
Thanks for your valuable input @kieran - I’m sorry sorry I cannot see eye-to-eye with you on it, but that’s OK. Soon disagreeing will banned too… 