Hello, I’m trying to do a fresh install on Linux Mint on my Librem Mini V2. I cannot get the system to recognize the USB drive. I have tried multiple drives multiple times. I found the USB Tuning update and attempted to install that to set the USB drives to the first in line for booting but that errors out. I’m attaching the error here. Please advise how to get the system to recognize the USB. Thanks.
Given that it says “one or more required dependencies are missing”, it may help to attempt to install that dependency manually. If it works, try the procedure again. If it doesn’t work, you might at least get a better error message.
Separately from that … if USB isn’t happy then if you are trying a USB 2.0 port, swap to a USB 3.0 port, and vice versa.
Where can I find that file?
sudo dpkg-query --list | grep libpci-dev
Is anything listed?
If so then post the output here and then STOP.
If nothing is listed then the package is not installed, in which case:
apt search libpci-dev
If nothing is listed then you may be out of luck. Note that fact here and STOP.
sudo apt install libpci-dev
If you get an error then post the output here and STOP.
You don’t so much need to worry about finding the file. It is either in the repository/repositories that you have configured, or it isn’t, and if it is then the system will find it for you.
irvinewade that worked. I was able to install the libpci-dev. Thank you.
However when I try again to update the boot order I now have a new error:
What’s the exact name of the script that you are running and where did it come from?
I guess the first thing to check is that you have the latest version of the script.
Looks like this is the Purism firmware utility script, which seems like it’s gotten out of date. It is trying to clone the master
branch of the flashrom
project, but flashrom
has changed their structure - they now use a branch called main
instead of one called master
(as of July, 2024).
You should be able to open the coreboot_util.sh
script in a text editor, and replace the word master
with the word main
in two places: line 866 and line 883.
But it might be best to get input from Purism directly before proceeding, to make sure that there’s nothing else that needs updating, and to make sure that making this change won’t cause bigger issues
I got the firmware script from a post on this forum. It was from 2021 I believe. I cannot find the post now.
I think you would need to get an updated script from Purism.
As @wctaylor implies, you could brick your device if you make seemingly sensible changes to the script but there is more to it. Boot firmware is one area that significant caution is advised.
If you brick your device then you can resurrect it using an external chip programmer but that requires equipment and expertise - so best to let Purism be the crash test dummy in the first instance.
Was it this topic?
Yes that is the topic.
Here is the topic for the Librem Mini USB tuning build, along with up-to-date instructions:
I just tried that script and I have a failure ( a new one I believe). I posted the failure on the linked topic so hopefully I will get a response.
Already addressed: