When I press the caps lock key, the time for the light to turn off is a wee bit longer than the time it takes for it to turn on. It just… bugs me. I don’t even know why.
The button right next to the power button says “Del” code for its main function and “Insert” as its secondary function, but I can’t seem to make the the button fire the “Insert” code.
When opening the Users page of the Gnome Settings program, I do not see the super user unlocking button, not even when logged in to the administrator user.
I think most touch-typists would probably disagree. It comes in handy for typing acronyms, too. Otherwise you’d either have to hold down the shift key to type all the letters, and potentially change hands for letters on the opposite side, or do a shift+letter every time, nearly doubling the amount of effort.
On the other hand, I’ve seen lots of people who seem to think capitalization is unnecessary…or even punctuation. Lol!
This is going to sound a bit silly but it also comes in handy when typing with limited fingers because I am carrying too many other things e.g. on the phone.
Exactly. Phone in one hand. Sandwich in the other. A couple of loose fingers available for typing. So Caps Lock is used like a non-combining but locking Shift key (instead of Shift itself) e.g. to type “Caps Lock”, press Caps Lock, type c, press Caps Lock, type a, p, s, space, press Caps Lock, type l, press Caps Lock, …
It is unfortunate that the “Solution” status of each thread is only binary, either solved or not.
One of the problems I did manage to solve by the above advice, but there are more on that list.
I haven’t yet checked if anyone opened other threads, one per each of these problems, but if none exist, maybe I should open a thread per each of these?