Estimate your Librem 14 shipping

Ordered May 16th, 2021
Received Nov 8th, 2021

Great laptop. Been using Qubes, its nice to have enough ram that I don’t need to do weird shit with net/firewall/other VMS to reduce ram use since 32gb gives a lot of room. However 4th day of having this beautiful laptop disaster struck. Someone knocked my laptop on the floor, seems like it landed on the Ethernet cable and now the slide/flap is a but clicky and Ethernet sometimes disconnecting/reconnecting. Right after warning to be careful around it too. Been super careful, most expensive laptop I’ve owned. Fuck. Everything else works perfect, eventually I’ll look more at it and ask support for potential parts since I don’t see anything in their shop.


I ordered back in September of 2020 but decided to wait for the 2nd spin PCB (without the voltage regulator hotfix). It arrived last week, and I’m very pleased.


Does it have the high pitched whine noise people have reported?


Yes, I’m also curious about the whine. If I were to order now, would I get the second revision of the PCB?

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I got mine back in June and do not have the whine that some have. I’m not sure if anyone’s gathered enough information to determine what percentage of the laptops have this issue or not? I also never experienced any excessive fan noise.

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Nope, thing runs like a dream. I’m having a bit of trouble transferring large files to an air-gapped Windows machine due to USB drive stick formatting, but that’s it.

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Ordered Librem 14: July 25th, 2021
Received Shipping email: November 8rd, 2021
Received Shipping Address Confirmation email November 12th, 2021
Received Librem 14: November 19th, 2021



Revised summary below.

5/1/21 : Librem 14 w/ 64GB RAM, 2TB NVMe, Qubes OS, PureBoot Bundle Plus + Anti-interdiction services ( $3,462.00 ) ordered; website said orders placed today ship June 2021 .

7/26/21 : Shipping address confirmation email received w/ the following statement: Your order is supposed to be assembled and shipped within the next 10 business days.

11/8/21 : Anti-interdiction service custom-tailor questions email received and replies sent.

11/16/21 : Shipping email with tracking info for separate Librem Key and Librem 14 shipments received.

11/20/21 : Librem Key delivered via USPS.

11/22/21 : Librem 14 delivered via FedEx and Librem random pin received via encrypted email upon request.

IMHO, FedEx ground is not the ideal choice for an anti-interdiction service, especially since it took a week to go coast-to-coast (target of opportunity), and the driver left it leaning up against my garage door on a rainy morning instead of walking around to my front door and getting the REQUIRED signature.

That said, all’s well that ends well. I got home late so I unboxed it but haven’t powered it up yet. Stay tuned.


Christmas has come early this year! Hopefully it works like a charm.

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Well, I emailed about a refund for a non-existent laptop and have now been told I won’t be refunded until the week of May 2, 2022, a year from the purchase of an in stock laptop.

What a joke! I laughed so hard when I got this email. What an awful company!


Bad tech support.
Tell Purism to send you the computer and sell it to me.

Unfortunately, it seems the financial department has problems/prejudices/… with resale/transfer of preorders. :man_shrugging:

Originally was told the refund would take “several weeks.”

After not hearing anything for 5 weeks, I wanted to ask for an update.
The wait time on a refund is currently 7 months…not sure how this is supposed to keep customers coming back. Makes me feel like Purism is a ponzi…took my money in May and have failed to deliver a product, nor the refund.

If they are to be trusted that it will only take an additional 7 months for a refund, I will have given them an interest free loan for a year on an “In Stock” product…


Do you have any details on that?

I had contact with a few people because I wanted to acquire their preorders, but they did not get a definitively positive feedback from “financial department”. In the end they either got refunded or decided to follow legal ways to get their money back.

I personally interpret inaction as a specific kind of action.

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I was going to wait until I actually received it, but I’m only a state away from California so I should be welcoming the laptop by the week’s end and I can no longer contain myself.

All Dates 2021
Ordered: August 11th
Shipping Confirmation Email: November 29th
Shipped: December 1st
Received: December 3rd (Projected)


Note: This timing is right on par with mladen’s estimated shipping dates from his October 26th post.

Though I suppose this whole thread will be obsolete if Kyle Rankin’s update about the 10 day L14 shipping comes to pass!


Received: December 5th, 2021

It is with this note that I bid you all farewell from this thread. Physically the laptop looks very nice. But the honeymoon was short lived. Already having problems. If anyone can be of assistance see link:


Purchased Aug. 11th 2021
Received Dec. 3rd 2021

Worth the wait; an impressive machine.


Ordered November 7 2021
Shipping notice received December 10 2021


exactly same response i got.
going on 6 months now waiting for the refund after the request.
Like you said, interest free Loan.
How can you approach this through a lawsuit? because i already tried complains and its not working. i know there’s a lot more people in this situation
because i don’t think they will issue refunds, they literally stealing money like a ponzi scheme