Estimate your Librem 5 shipping

7 posts were split to a new topic: Refund thread (split off)

Order Date: March 27, 2019
Verification Email: Feb 13, 2023
Responded: Feb 13, 2023
Shipped: Feb 23, 2023
Received: Feb. 28, 2023
2 Phones :grin:


Order Date: February 8, 2019
Verification Email: February 14, 2023
Invoice/Shipment: February 16, 2023
Librem 5 Received: February 21, 2023
Destination Country: USA


Still awaiting the verification email. Ordered in August 2019, still excited for it.


Well, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, having been keeping an eye on this post since it started. I am pleased to finally report receiving my Librem 5!

Order Date: March 22, 2019
Verification Email: February 13, 2023
Invoice/Shipment: February 24, 2023
Librem 5 Received: March 3, 2023
Destination Country: USA

Getting ready to take it for a spin after charging! Thank you Purism and keep up the excellent work!


Received: 3/3/2023


Oooooh! Getting close to my order date.

Order Date: July 30, 2019
Verification Email: waiting
Invoice/Shipment: waiting
Librem 5 Received: waiting
Destination Country: Canada

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Order date:          April 20, 2019
Verification email:  February 15, 2023
Email response:      February 16, 2023
Invoice/shipment:    none
Librem 5 received:   none

no clue why it’s not shipped. :thinking:


I’m in the same boat (though a couple days ahead of you on the email response Feb 13). I think Purism is shipping a lot of phones right now.

It might have something to do with the accessories we ordered with it? Just a guess.

Since Kyle’s latest “Where is my Librem 5?” post (linked below) said to contact support if you were in batch E3 and hadn’t received your phone yet, I went ahead and did that, though pretty late yesterday (no response yet). You’re technically in batch E4, so according to the post they are still working through your batch.


I’m at the exact same spot as adamk (Feb 15 verification, Feb 16 response, no shipping email). I figured it had to do with the accessories I ordered.

It also seems that all the shipped reports’ order date here still predate my order date.

Blog update part 3.

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now, more than 3 week after address verification mail.
I have asked for an update when it will be shipped and later for the reason why it"s delayed.

latest answer from support:


I am checking with my colleagues what was the hold up. And I am trying
to expedite this.

This usual information policy is fooling me!

BTW: within free-shipping i have ordered an extra battery!
Possibly, Prism offered something it couldn’t deliver.

Hi adamk,

i think its just about land-specific delivery rules about Batteries. Like, in Germany you could only send a Battery inside a Phone and one without will cause extra costs or insurance.

I think the offer of purism with that battery was a well-meant but end sometimes with extra personal issues.

Hope it will solved sooner, not later. And the Support give you some hints.



Backing date: 2018-08-05 (Aug 5)
Address verification email: 2022-07-05
Purism Will Ship When Ready email: 2022-07-05

I ordered AweSim so there was a delay is shipping since Purism was forced to set up service through another phone service provider, but changed my mind and cancelled AweSIM, so:
Shipping eMail: March 8, 2023 by FedEx Ground to Newport Beach, California
Received: March 10, 2023, :smiley:

Very nice product; all components, accessories, and ordered spare battery received.
Currently charging battery, waiting for red charging indicator to turn green before play time begins! :joy:


Red indicator will just go out, not turn green, but happy play time. :wink:

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Ordered on 18th june 2019, received 13.03.2023

Order date: 2019-06-18
Verification email: 2023-03-01
Email response: 2023-03-02
Shipment: 2023-03-08
Received: 2023-03-15
Destination: Australia

Haven’t opened it yet, there were no issues with customs which is nice.


this has been shipped two days ago.

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We can deliver batteries within the limits that the transport companies have. Some of those limits are, we can only send an extra battery together with the device that it is intended to, because it is supposed to be a extra battery for your device.

And there are limits to the number of extra batteries that a device can have shipped in the same order.