That’s true, you didn’t. I shouldn’t have attributed that to you. It’s good that you didn’t feel attacked, but your responses were… confusing at best. Lashing out at worst.
Yeah, a lot of words were put into my mouth there. Rather than counter them head on I decided to have some fun with it and paint a picture. It was never a parallel. Actually, it was just a recount of my work’day’ (I work security in a commercial building downtown near a lot of hospitals and that attracts a lot of junkies who steal syringes there and then shoot up anywhere close they can…including my loading dock) to illustrate how preposterous it was to say that I was being privileged (intellectual elitist) to say someone could participate and could do something for themselves. As well, what I actually said to OP was:
I get why learned helplessness could be desirable in a user for some companies/people, but I’m the first to tell them they’re not because they truly aren’t (and I think that’s a big part of what Free software is about too :))
For sure.
We shouldn’t assume that the person who made the initial inquiry is NOT capable of customising / making UI changes.
At this point, I’m far more worried about power management and the camera app than the user interface. I don’t want Purism to tell its developers to rework the interface when there are more important things to work on.
I personally prefer Android because it is more flexible and has more options than iOS, but it will probably be many years before Phosh gets as good as either of those interfaces. When I turn on my old phone running Android 2, I’m struck by how much better Android 9 is, so I don’t expect Phosh version 1 to match today’s Android or iOS.
the droid’s UI is so fluid and snappy because it’s been “greased” by trillions of dollars worth of man-hours and RND … maybe i should have called it snoopy instead of snappy
I think Phosh is looking really good so far. It’s awesome the work that’s being done. If I had to choose an existing phone UI to copy though, it would probably be Sailfish (both user experience and aesthetics). Something I would like to see in Phosh is the ability to zoom out the list of open applications to have smaller tiles and multiple rows. Oh and I think the concept that was mentioned here on the forums looked really nice. So I guess that would be my preference.
Although I can’t think of anything specific I would like Phosh to emulate from iOS, something that I think that iOS does well is how polished it looks as a whole. I suppose consistency also. Those are both things worth striving for.
This is true.
hi folks!
i believe that the functionality, abilities, ergonomy, intuitivity, interoperability, consistency and flexibility are the real keywords here, while, in general, “minimalism” is still just crying in a dark corner behind those nice words, and while its just as much important.
the worst argument ive seen here was the “boring” one… just take the best features from anywhere or find something thats even better (either absolutely, or just on a “fits better” manner).
my strategy is to take the prior stuffs 1st, and have a rest with polishing the existing stuffs and with picking some low hanging fruits.
and finally something possibly valuable: the “candy bowl” , that is a common place for any good ideas, and thats labelled with “would be nice to have; aint nobody have time”. actually it will bring different results than those that are expected by the label, ppl will feed their minds there with nice ideas and occasionally pick one to make it happen.
its like git issues with a label “feature request” but thats not a good place to litter, while this is for the wild dreams (-> wontfix;closed) and not for the corner cases that only one lonely guy wished for before he solved it the other way and forgot to close the issue… the git issues even has a different smell in general, and its better to leave them in their own spirit… otherwise the ecosystem is sufficient there for such (but not exactly ideal), and this must be at least isolated in case of using that… but hey, this requires high consistency in the ecosystem to make everything possible, so the concurrency wont be able to completely rob it out!
on the contrary, i dunno if it would be really good or not, cuz purism already has a lotsa places for more or less different uses, and a kinda big problem is that its hard to be oriented around here… (btw, by this last problem that i just came up with is also a suitable member for a candy bowl, as it would be good but points to nowhere for a valid solution…
all the bests to all of u!
perhaps you meant to write competition ?
im not a native speaker, i believe they are synonyms, but feel free to explain the difference!
ur suggested word is categorized by my dictionary as an economy word, so it seems to be legit, but we, hungarians, use “konkurencia” right in that meaning, and concurrency has the same etymological root with it, and therefore i think its the most straightforward translation. otherwise my interpretation is that concurrency is the opposite party, while competition is the race between them.
actually what i wanted to mean there is that such a candy bowl would be most likely free to be viewed by anyone with the development model of purism, so while purism folks are about to make the essential groundworks, other vendors could come and take the most killer feature ideas to implement on top of their strong funds, and that way they would gain advantage over us, just out of our efforts! its fine up to some level, even purism “borrowed” things from here and there, and basically humanity works that way, and i even dare to say that its a real illness of humanity that data (thats just knowledge, and that can be copied without any effort, not like a car) can be owned at all when its not done as keeping it as a secret… (even if i can understand it to some degree)
btw i wrote “this requires high consistency” as a solution to avoid that trouble, and thats like the interoperability between the apple products, but later i wanted to add flexibility and universality to that, as all of these factors can open up possibilities that wont exist without the right funds under them, and that way these are some of the most important considerations in the long run…
i believe these are important, as ppl at one point will decide to go with this or that and even if purism is a social purpose corp, its fuel is still money! hopefully its built on top of filling some market gap, that would be a poison pill for the others, and ppl who come here mostly come just for that spirit, but not for a status symbol brand or cuz they prefer to have their unlock screens to work the other way (no offense here, just i had no better example for what i wanted to say
but hey! the whole point of my initial message was that the initial question was wrong (imho & no offense!!! ) as that initial thought should boil down to details and reasons! why go with this approach? whats wrong with the other? its like religious wars, take two thick book and throw their names onto the other group, til blood comes out… it should go like what about afterlife, resurrection, revival, or a deep black empty nothing? arent they all about love and unity? havent they say that we can find God and the answers if we listen to carefully instead of blindly repeating those dogmas? (btw they are good with all their differences to step on the right path, but we must develop sight instead of blindly following them after we got the point… btw/2 if i know right, then Quran respects Jesus, just call him Isa prophet…
) these can initiate a real conversation, but saying that this is superior that is inferior, this is the real path, that is a mistake points to nowhere, especially when they all contain surely valuable bits!
what we should borrow from android, what from ios, what to avoid, and what to beat with even more awesomeness? ppl here obviously want neither android nor ios, but a nice librem 5, while most of them use either of the previous two and obviously like, need and rely on things from them!
@Nami ive seen no answer here that was about any kinda hatred against u, just move on and point to those features that u prefer from ios or whatever u want, and make ppl interested via good reasons for those! that way, u wont need to write a single line of code!
and an advice for the next time: just say “right, lets move on, so in that case, what about …?” and so with a different question, u can nullify the previous question and give the conversation a better continuation, instead of possibly getting injured.
you went a little off-topic there … but since you mentioned it … religious wars (violence) can happen because of pride NOT because of truth … saying that a particular piece of revelation is more complete than another is not meant as an insult but perhaps to incite research …
to concur or concurrency is to travel in parallel toward the same destination by different means … one arrives sooner while the other is slower, etc. … but depending on how, when and where that path stops they might find that they are very different …
I do not get it.
You’ve got plenty of more convenient or user-friendly phones or OSes.
As far as I understand the whole Purism idea is about privacy, user-rights and transparency. They want to achieve that by open hardware and software.
If you want to install on Librem 5 closed source software like iOS just buy an iPhone.
In my opinion if you install iOS on Librem you just throw out the whole value that Purism company adds to their products.
yes but such is freedom … it allows even self-destruction if that is desired …
You are right. But Purism as a company does not need to support that.
In my opinion I want Purism as a company to focus and use all its resources on making their products more free, secure and transparent. I do not want to pay for making it ‘iOS enabled’.
would you pay for iOS dis-abled then ? imo it’s enough if this phone comes with GNU/Linux installed by default … in time this will maybe help … somewhat
No. But if Purism engineers are designing hardware/software I want them to be focused on freedom, security and privacy. If you install an iOS on it and it works… good for you, but I do not want effort from the company to make their hardware/firmware/software iOS enabled which will increase the price for no reason.
i don’t believe Purism will actively pursue such goals or devote resources to this as an objective … though i’m not in their employ … but having a FREE ecosystem ALLOWS for that to happen … i may not agree with that personally but somebody is always there to give you counter-arguments to anything you say or do … such is the way of this world
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to stop people from installing custom software on Librem hardware even if it’s iOS, Android or whatever.
I just do not want Purism as a company to focus on making theirs devices iOS/Android/Window enabled. I see no point in that. I chose Purism because of their unique value and approach with their hardware, firmware and software.
It’s just my opinion as a customer.
I think you have misunderstood what the person was requesting.
The request was to install PureOS on the Librem 5, as expected and normal, but that the PureOS implementation on that platform resemble iOS. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with such a request but
- “resemble” is vague
- almost noone actually wanted such a resemblance
- some people will have higher priorities than the exact details of the user interface with the phone
I doubt that you will ever be able to install iOS on a Librem 5 or, for that matter, install PureOS on an iPhone. This is not for any fundamental reason but just the usual reasons of lack of documentation, lack of priority, lack of resources, closed system (iOS / iPhone). Perhaps someone will try though.
I think you are right. Thank you for explanation. I do not have problem with PureOS looking similar to iOS.
I guess you skipped over the “closely resembled” trolling part of my post. I mean, you realize the phone is already out the door, right? Maybe you don’t.
The reason your “want” appears troublesome is, it’s kind of late to change something like this at this stage (far bigger problems to work right now), even if it were a good idea (which, and yes this is my opinion too… it would be a terrible idea for a number of reasons). But I do have trouble understanding how you prefer something new, yet ask for the same-old design existing jailware phones have?