Careful with this one:
I think this explains the relationship between Startpage and System1:
Something to keep our eye on, though.
We also maintain a similar page here although it’s more focused on applications explicitly in PureOS and doesn’t include flatpaks:
Awesome…and I forgot that was there. I’ll integrate them into this list and check it periodically. Thanks!
Edit: Until the number of optimized apps becomes unmanageable, of course!
Examples (and yes, I have no life right now):
GNOME Tweaks:
( gsettings set sm.puri.phoc.application:/sm/puri/phoc/application/packagename/ scale-to-fit true
is applied; replace “packagename” with actual name)
Flatseal (permissions manager for flatpaks):
Archive Manager:
Oh, the hours I’ve wasted with AisleRiot. L5 can now be my daily driver. Keep 'em coming @amarok! its great to see the rapidly expanding number of apps that will work once I get my phone.
Enroute Flight Navigation:
Gpredict (Realtime satellite tracking and orbit prediction):
(Scaled down a bit)
Follow these links to see screenshots of the indicated apps.
Scale Screen:
Files (Nemo):
Taquin (tile puzzle):
Verbiste (French and Italian verb conjugations; fits better w/o pronouns):
Works better in landscape:
Scaling down just one level would make it fit even better (not shown).
Simple Scan (perfect fit):
Power Statistics (scale-down required):
Reversi (perfect fit; play against computer or another player):
Can you tell me if LinSSID works on the phone? Im hoping that LinSSID can replace the android app of Wifi Analyzer, or even the app called Nutty by ElementaryOS (both are network monitoring apps).
Unfortunately that failed to launch after I installed it. Sorry.
I not a Librem 5 user yet, but for that purpose I’ll use a oneliner script like this.
watch 'nmcli -f "CHAN,BARS,SIGNAL,SSID" d wifi list ifname wlan0 | sort -n'
you can put it in an alias or even create a .desktop file that opens a terminal with the script from the app grid easily.
It will look like this in the terminal:
1 ▂___ 27 NETWORK 1
1 ▂▄▆_ 57 NETWORK 2
6 ▂▄▆_ 77 NETWORK 3
11 ▂▄__ 47 NETWORK 4
11 ▂▄▆_ 57 NETWORK 5
36 ▂▄__ 44 NETWORK 6
36 ▂▄__ 50 NETWORK 7
40 ▂___ 24 NETWORK 8
48 ▂▄▆_ 63 NETWORK 9
It doesn’t look fancy but it should work, @amosbatto could you try it? wlan0 should be replace by the network interface name in the Librem 5.
Cool command, but I don’t yet have a Librem 5 to try it. Perhaps @amarok or @lipu can try it for you.
Sorry I don’t know why but I thought you have it already.
i just tried it in a Terminal.
Works without modification.
CherryTree ( with gsettings set sm.puri.phoc.application:/sm/puri/phoc/application/cherrytree/ scale-to-fit true
applied; usable, but small):
Works for me, too. Nice.