Another incoming Librem 5:
Oh dear, another
It’s the only trick they know.
What do you mean? Who do you mean by “they” ???
Some of the participants in r/Purism. Not that they don’t sometimes have legitimate gripes.
In any case, it was tongue-in-cheek.
I see. I worry about the all-too-common “us vs. them” mentality: .
In this case, it was really a complaint against FedEx and not Purism so I didn’t understand the (tongue-in-cheek) villainization.
Well, one of the top comments reads, and I quote:
My response exactly. I would love to see a race between a Librem 5 delivery date and the issuing of subpoenas to Purism executives regarding a lass action lawsuit.
So the audience of redditors is clearly not focusing their anger against FedEx…
I recommend moving to the branch-off I created. Otherwise, this thread will be derailed.
Thanks for those updates, it would be awesome if you let us know when the devices actually start shipping so we can update our tracking table. But it is good news that we seem to be moving forward again…
This redditor ordered July 2018 and got the tracking notice today, May 16:
Just posting this for community info (not for the chart, unless the order date is found), another L5 received May 15:
@amarok I am not sure this information is correct. My order is from May 7, 2018 and I am still waiting.
Maybe that person was confused about their own order date; it has happened before. (They also didn’t say whether it was an L5 or an L5USA, although I suspect it’s the L5.)
In any case, I would regularly check my spam folder if I were you.
Seems like a batch is shipping now, so maybe your email is also on its way.
Mine also said that until well within April. Just checked again, it no longer gives me a shipping estimate on the order page. Order date is in October though, so I’ll be waiting a bit longer than you, if the world is still a fair place…
Dang, I was just getting my hopes up…
To estimate your queue number:
Compare your order date to the dates in the chart at the top of this thread, which are collected from preserved snapshots of various dates of Purism’s L5 campaign on the Web Archive.
Your number will only be an estimate, but fairly close to reality.
I like how this was snuck in there.
Long time lurker first time poster! I wanted to toss my info into the ring now that I have received my Librem 5.
Order date: 7/30/2018
Received: 5/17/2022
I did receive an email asking me to confirm my address before shipping and I think it was a window of time to respond, I would assume to not just have a perfectly good phone sitting there that could go to others that are waiting for it. If anyone has ordered before me I would reach out to support to see about getting yours.
Wow, that’s incredibly depressing. But thanks for the info.
updated chart, guestimating the number of shipped devices from the surrounding dates.
You got a L5 that you ordered in July 2018? That seems quite some jump in order time given the latest data point. Was that a L5 USA or some other special case, or have we really reached July 2018? (even that would still make for some depressing lead times :-))
Depending on you expectations, it can be depressing or reassuring