Librem 5 media (photos and videos)


Caught in a landslide - no escape from reality.

Der App Store ist auch noch etwas leer

(screen shot visible in your link - not reproduced here)

That doesn’t look right to me (No application data found message ostensibly from the PureOS Store app. Is this a byzantium thing??

Discussion: Containerization on Linux Phones by HackersGame.


Eventually Purism could offer shipping with Qubes as an option for L5, as they do with their laptops?

No way to do that at this point. Qubes only supports x86_64 at the moment. They are working on switching or kvm as alternative to xen and a few other things to give the ability to support other systems like a talos. Furthermore, the amount of work porting qubes to mobile even with such support will be immense and the hardware of the L5 isn’t good enough to run it anyways.

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another shameless drop, booting an OS from the SD card on a Librem 5:



I hope someone will let him know that alphanumeric passcodes are now possible. And that T-mobile is likely the only viable carrier choice in the U.S. Also, in case anyone is wondering: the app store populates similarly to desktop Debian-based distros; it has to contact the repo and then download the list. :slight_smile:

Also, he apparently doesn’t realize that you have to manually adjust each of those camera controls in order to see anything. And still, you won’t see an image from the main camera if the lens is pressed flat on a surface. (Just FYI.)


…or that you absolutely can update Amber to Byzantium, it’s just not sufficiently tested and therefore not officially supported. Or that camera app does work well, it just doesn’t do automatic gain/exposure/focus so you have to set it manually (which of course is painful when it comes to UX, but that’s still far from “does not work”).

Not when outside on a sunny day though, default values can often be too bright in such scenario :wink:


As confirmation from a normal user, this is accurate. Here is a picture I just took with my Librem 5 (on a sunny day) with its self-processing of the picture into a jpeg with the following settings:
Gain: 32
Exposure: 299
Balance: D50
Focus: 250

In my opinion, that’s pretty good. Granted, it takes some manual work to tune those settings and it takes a good long time from the moment the picture is taken to when the image is processed, so it’s in no way comparable to the ease of use of a camera on a modern iPhone or Android smartphone, but the camera does work.


What does that mean when you say that? Are you saying the image is not immediately available on disk?

Raw (DNG) image is stored immediately, but it takes some time to transform it into JPEG.


Is it possible to skip the JPEG processing bit for later, and only store the RAW image at the time of the snap?

I would estimate the delay to be something less than 5 seconds for the conversion part.

I just tested it a few times with my Librem 5, and for me it took around 2-4 seconds from the moment I pressed the shutter button for the screen to flicker/flash (i.e. that’s when the Librem 5’s camera actually captured the image), then an additional approximate 12-14 seconds for the circling icon (which I understand to mean the image is still being processed) to switch to the completed picture.


A good experiment would be to photograph a digital time display showing seconds, press the capture button at a given second mark, then also note the second when the screen flickers, and compare the captured image’s time.

EDIT: I just did a quick check, and the seconds displayed in the resulting .jpg match the moment I pressed the “button.”