List of Apps that fit and function well [Post them here.]

Actually, one of the first things I tried when connected to big display, keyboard, mouse: install JDK 17 from Adoptium, install Eclipse, downloaded SWT example, compiled & ran them. All done on the phone. No problem observed :slight_smile:


Advanced Network Connections (pre-installed in byzantium):

(3rd row, far left; my own background)

The “VPN” section below doesn’t appear here by default; I had to install openvpn and network-manager-openvpn-gnome, after which it appeared*:

From here, select config files that you have downloaded from a VPN provider (if they provide such) and that you have saved to your Home directory:

(Scaling down required to see that last screen completely.)

*I also had to fix some dependency issues.

I didn’t test a VPN provider yet. If anyone does, feel free to let us know the result. Note that Wireguard is already available, as you can see in the options above.

P.S. You would use this if your provider’s own OpenVPN client doesn’t work.

EDIT/Feb 29, 2022: Now in the L5’s main Settings app, under the Network category, there is an option for adding a VPN connection. I think this is new, but I might be mistaken. (Or maybe it only showed up because I installed openvpn and network-manager-openvpn-gnome before.) Unfortunately, the dialog boxes for adding the connection fit the screen badly at the moment.


Osmos ($5) by Canadian developer Hemisphere likely would work well

Big Metro also scales properly for screen resolutions smaller even than the Librem 5, but is only built for amd64.

Feel free to demonstrate it working and adapting to the Librem 5 screen. :wink:

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Strawberry music player although works in a flatpak the sonic API does not function in the flatpak… BUT I found .deb that does install and the sonic API functions YAY! :partying_face: . The .deb file I installed on byzantium was located here strawberry


Warpinator (flatpak):

This Linux Mint-developed app for transferring files or directories over the local network works well. It’s able to communicate with your network’s other computers running native or flatpak Warpinator, and with your Androids running the ported version from F-Droid.

I’m having issues with pasting screenshots right now, but I’ll update this post with some images when it’s fixed.

See this TUTORIAL.

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I use the flatpak of Kotatogram.
I think it’s a source build with a few extra features. Works fine.

Anki (flatpak; some screens require scaling down):

An e-flashcard application, useful for studying any subject, and popular for language study.

(Not the best choice of font colors, and apparently not changeable at present.)

Import your own file, download from numerous available specialty websites; use single words, whole sentences, or any type of study material. Also supports media (images, audio, etc.).

Page through each card in a deck, respond, edit, etc.:

Edit a flashcard:

More info about add-ons.

Generate your own lists of words with this script.

EDIT: Besides vocabulary lists of single foreign words, studying entire sentences of dialog from natural conversation is a great method of building language skills. Foreign films are a great source of spoken dialog, and it’s also possible to download files of subtitles from, e.g. opensubtitles[.]org. Once downloaded and opened with a text editor, the whole sentences can be imported into Anki. But since the subtitle file is full of non-text entries like time-stamps, etc., it’s helpful to extract only the lines that contain the text. See this script for accomplishing that.


Hello, one shall check if KTrip works well on L5. The Windows is adaptive and the app if really useful (and accurate) for public transport. If you wan to test and are in Europe, check first the “Global” Navitia service provider instead of your country :

Thank you !


This seems to pull in a complete KDE environment:

purism@pureos:~$ sudo flatpak install ktrip
Looking for matches…
Found similar ref(s) for ‘ktrip’ in remote ‘flathub’ (system).
Use this remote? [Y/n]: y
Similar refs found for ‘ktrip’ in remote ‘flathub’ (system):

   1) app/org.kde.ktrip/aarch64/stable
   2) app/org.jacktrip.JackTrip/aarch64/stable

Which do you want to use (0 to abort)? [0-2]: 1
Required runtime for org.kde.ktrip/aarch64/stable (runtime/org.kde.Platform/aarch64/5.15-21.08) found in remote flathub
Do you want to install it? [Y/n]: n

screenshot is my most used app :stuck_out_tongue:

Anybody know a soundcloud app for arm64, a bit at a loss that no such thing exists (i mean thats actually working)

I listen to DJ streams that are say 1-4 hours long so i never have to listen to a single ad on soundcloud all free!

Can you clarify? Are you asking if it works, or saying that it does work? I tested it last year while still on amber and if I recall, the graphics had problems. Great if it’s working well now.

I was asking if somebody could test if it works because I think this app is a must have (purely subjective) and it was not listed on this thread.

But as @guru said, it seems that there is an issue during install : please guru, could you tell us if the problem is a compatibility problem or a size issue ? thank you very much

KTrip generally works well (if it does not out of the box, setting a few environment variables should make it work fine (e.g. to enable the Wayland backend, removing the window bar and forcing mobile widgets). I’ve tested it a while ago for LinuxPhoneApps, when I find the time to do so again I’ll augment the linked listing with the necessary details to make it work well.

Regarding the KDE environment: Yes, it pulls that in, it has to - but there are other Plasma Mobile apps that may be worth running (e.g. KDE Itinerary or Kasts) that then reuse the same runtime.

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I am not aware of any Soundcloud app for mobile Linux. Maybe using yt-dlp to download the streams you want to listen to and then using Lollypop (or any other file based music player) is an option?

Could you ellaborate how to download streams from soundcloud using yt-dlp? orpoint me to docs?

As far as I know it would involve a) install yt-dlp and then b) run it from the terminal like this
(so just like you would use youtube-dl to download videos) to download the stream. You may need to look into yt-dlp options for getting the output format you want.

@biggaz, I have been unable to download the flatpak for the gnome-kodi-remote, so a new pointer to the tile would be appreciated, thanks

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@amarok this seems silly but I can’t figure where you go in the app to get to the login screen in Girrens