How to properly send emails to Purism

Please note that our community forums are NOT meant for customer support!

If you have a problem with your device bought from Purism (either hardware or software), a question about your order or a general question, or you simply want to give a feedback to Purism, how to proceed? Here is a short overview of how your email should look like and what to contain so that we can better respond to you. The team receives multiple thousands of emails per month on average and we do our best to reply in a timely manner.

Important notes:

  • When sending your first email about a particular subject, always create a fresh new email;
    Do NOT reply to the order confirmation emails or any other automatic email sent from Purism!
  • Usual response time” is the average response time during during work week days (and outside holidays). Delays can happen due to high volumes of email or information needing to be researched.

General questions

What: explanations and additional information about Purism products, services or software, if these are not provided already on our website or wiki, or simply not clear enough.

  • This is not meant as a replacement for the support@ and ops@ addresses (see further below).
  • Before sending questions to “info”, please first check our website: general, products, phone, FAQ and wiki pages, your question may be already answered!

Subject: [product or service] question summary
Usual response time: under 24 hours

Example email subject: [Librem laptops] SSD models in Librems

Technical Support

What: Any hardware or software related problem with Purism products and services
Subject: [order number] short problem description
Usual response time: under 6 hours
Conditions: Before sending email to support, please first check the troubleshooting wiki section and search issue reports if your problem is software-related!

Example email subject: [Purism_12345678] USB 3.0 port is not working

Order info

What: Questions about orders, payments, returns, lost packages
Subject: [order number] question summary
Usual response time: under 48 hours
Conditions: Before sending email to ops, please see the availability status on our products page!

Example email subject: [Purism_12345678] bitcoin transaction failed

Human Resources

What: Job submissions or complaints about Purism staff
Subject: [name or subject] summary
Usual initial response time: under 48 hours (it may take longer depending on availability of team members to review job applications)

Example email subject: [Flash Gordon] Bluetooth driver reverse engineering job application
Another example email subject: [Complaint] Support staff threatens to kill me!

Other addresses

Feedback and ideas

  • To:
  • What: opinions, praise, criticism and suggestions about Purism products and service offerings. Note that feedback@, much like pr@, is not meant as a complaint/escalation system for support/ops.
  • Subject: [product or service] feedback subject
  • Usual response time: under 48 hours
  • Example email subject: [Librem 13v2] Improvement ideas for build quality

Press and investors relations

The pr@ and ir@ email addresses are for journalists and investors asking questions. They are not meant for support or complaints. There is no point in adding them in c.c. for support/ops issues, you will just be filling the mailboxes of other Purism team members who can’t help you for such issues because they’re also receiving hundreds of emails per month :wink: